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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 11:34 AM

Wa.. Yesterday I dun noe whether I wan to go down for training or not.. Coz is raining in the afternoon.. haha.. den about 5 plus.. I call Emm ask her where is she.. But she is not in school she at Ochard going back to school.. den i went for training.. hehe.. every time sit 61 so many ppl on the bus.. can not sit some more.. den I reach NP going in to swimming pool.. Den Daryl tell mi make my timing to be 2.59 den i say Wa.. Wa.. I say I try lor.. hehe.. den i wan to jump downt that time den i say to daryl I can not hear wat u saying.. haha.. den I jump down.. den I laugh haha.. den i swim there.. haha.. Timing is 3.11.. This week my timing is constant.. hehe.. Den yesterday training so funny.. haha.. Doing hand pull with Gwen & daryl.. Gwen hold my legs.. den daryl hold Gwen legs.. haha.. Hmm.. not very hard & not very heavy la.. Just have to train to pull them lor.. hehe..
Den the committee talk about the Kusu Island stuff.. I think will be very fun lor.. Coz have new ppl going ma.. some of the 123 ppl are going.. den some of the graduated seniors are going oso.. can see them so happy.. but very early.. have to meet @ 7.30am at Marine Bay MRT.. can't wait for the day to come..
Tml is holiday.. hehe.. yeah.. I decided to cook Pasta for mama to eat & my fav campbell soup.. haha.. Have to go shopping for new things.. hehe..
Study up my Basic Theory.. I wanted to book step by step.. Coz I only book for the Basic Theory Practice.. yeah.. den I will see how is my result with that.. If after 2 lesson I think is ok.. den I will go & book the evaluation.. yeah.. den If I pass den I go & book the BTT test.. haha.. But the Basic Theory test timing very hard to find de leh.. Coz I'm working.. So I have to find the nite wan.. hehe.. Other that weekdays nite & weekends lor.. But now I feel that is very expensive to learn.. haha.. Have too.. can not stop must continue to do it.. hehe.. Just like my lifeguard training.. I graduated from NP but I still go for my training.. yeah.. Coz I wan to get a BM cert and now I have 1 more cert to take is driving cert.. haha.. I can not GIV UP.. some time GIVE UP is not in my dictionary.. haha.. If I like to do that thing den I will say GIVE UP is not in my dictionary.. haha.. I dun wan to do sure give up wan lor.. haha..

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Starry Night @ 11:34 AM

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Monday, September 29, 2008 9:11 AM

Very tired.. Yesterday Nite I can not sleep lor.. Kor staying in his new house liao.. yesterday Nite he come back & take some clothes to his new house.. haha.. Haix.. My eyes is going to close liao.. haha.. I have throw away my water bottle liao.. But I now using the nike wan.. but have smell inside.. but I dun noe how to remove the smell.. haha.. But the bottle is clean de lor.. have to wash some more ba.. the water have the bottle smell.. lol.. Hope I will not get stomach pain with this water.. hehe.. lol.. EEEE.. I think i dun wan to drink liao.. I think this week will be very busy.. yeah.. And wednesday is holiday.. haha.. So this week is work for 2 day rest 1 day den continue 2 days.. haha.. And 1 Oct is Gwen 21st bday.. haha.. But she have to work.. sad.. Den wednesday oso dun have training.. sad lor.. No training for 1 week I think.. Coz every time after kusu Island alway have 1 day no training.. Is usually after the kusu island.. And is on monday.. haha.. So this wednesday no training and MAYBE monday oso no training.. hehe..

Count Down to Kusu Island: 5 days more to GO..

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Starry Night @ 9:11 AM

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Sunday, September 28, 2008 4:47 PM

Yeah.. Counting down for Kusu island.. haha.. Is next week..


Is sunday.. Today my family go Red star restaurant eat dim sum.. haha.. after we finish eating dim sum we went to kor kor house.. haha.. hmm.. not bad design, I think but is too simple.. haha.. but i love the L sofa is in black color.. hehe.. And I like 1 of the lighting.. It look like an apple.. haha.. And their cup is very cute.. lol.. And the floor is white color.. I oso have take pics.. haha.. Let mi show u now.. haha. Fun day.. hehe..

L Sofa
Switch OFF
Switch ON
Both cups are so cute.. hehe..
On the husband cup.. hehe..
Wife cup..
Yesterday papa went to see F1.. haha.. kor's colleague can not go so kor bring back the ticket for papa so go.. haha..
F1 Pass

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Starry Night @ 4:47 PM

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Saturday, September 27, 2008 2:12 PM

yeah.. Today i went to register for driving lesson.. I go alone.. hehe..
hmm.. Is time to study.. Before u go for the Basic Theory Test.. u have to take 2 Basic theory Practice and the Basic Theory Evaluation.. I have book for the 2 lesson of BTP.. I think i'm going to pay all the money myself.. haha.. the BTP cost mi 6.42 coz is peak session.. haha.. very sad lor.. register cost mi 85.60.. I think my 1 month pay is inside here liao.. haha..

But i have step out the first step of my dream.. haha.. Dream to have my own car..
hehe.. Hope I'm not stupid.. dun need to go for 2nd test.. haha.. first time go can liao.. haha.. hope so.. First is my theory.. jia you.. hehe..

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Starry Night @ 2:12 PM

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Friday, September 26, 2008 1:20 PM

yesterday I never go BBDC.. Coz I have OT.. haha.. Today super tired lor.. In the morning raining.. den feel like sleep all the way.. hehe.. busy the whole morning.. den now can blog liao. haha.. I think i will go on saturday.. Hmm.. Sunday oso very good have alot of places to go.. haha.. Go out & eat, Go kor kor house, Go my cousin house.. haha.. So long never see my cousin liao.. yeah yeah.. Today, after work i'm going to queensway to buy FBT shorts.. yeah.. Kusu island is very near liao.. can't wait to go.. haha.. yeahh.. I have to go & work liao.. see ya.. bye bye

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Starry Night @ 1:20 PM

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Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:56 AM

Yesterday timing was 3.10.. haha.. every training improve abit.. haha.. monday is 3.12. den wednesday is 3.10.. Good.. dun force urself to do it if u can not do.. ok.. I have hit the target.. haha.. but have to improve more.. to go for BM test.. And every wednesday we keep doing CPR.. I still can not press the annie.. haha.. I think i have to do push up.. so i can press annie heart.. haha.. Chris only come on wednesday he can not come on monday.. But he every time den we haev to do CPR.. haha.. haiz.. CPR, CPR, CPR.. Y annie so hard to press down.. my hand become blue-black liao lor.. so HARD.. haha.. But still have to do.. hehe.. I will try my very best to press down.. And I think i have to do push up lor.. starting from today.. haha.. But today morning i never do.. NO time.. I think I haev to wake up at 7.15am to do push up.. 100 push up a day.. Have to train myself up.. ooor else i can not go BM test with them.. haha.. den i oso have train my swimming.. can die oso.. I can meet the timing but i wan to improve more.. haha.. like 3.00.. I think 3mins is affect to go for the BM test.. And have to study up how the heart works.. yeah.. all this is oso have started reading.. haha.. And I worry about my CPR, CPR.. how can I do to improve my pressing down of the annie.. I feel so tired now.. haha.. my eyes is closing soon.. but dun worry.. Lunch time is coming.. haha.. lol..
haix.. so sianx. I do soldering for the whole morning.. haha.. very small resistor.. very small vias.. I can not solder them up.. Later my colleague will come down.. den check the soldering.. haha.. den i'm very sure that he will resolder again.. haha.. NOW i think my soldering is suckx.. can die lor.. not nice.. School time have normal resistor to solder is more good.. Now is all very very small de.. very hard to solder lor.. can die.. haha..

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Starry Night @ 10:56 AM

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:02 AM

Aiyoo.. Today raining leh.. Pls dun rain the whole day.. If not I won't go for training if is raining.. haha.. Rain Rain Go Away Come Again And Other Day.. I love this song.. haha.. From small kis we all learn this song.. haha. To call the rain go home or go away.. haha.. yesterday nite was very cold lor.. I dun like raining make mi so cold.. haha.. I scare of cold.. Don't scare of hot.. haha.. If cold I will become a snail or 虫.. haha..
Yeah now is 11.30am.. The rain have stop.. haha.. yeah yeah..but the sun haven come out yet.. SAD.. very windy outside.. haha.. :)..

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Starry Night @ 9:02 AM

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:04 AM

BM Training..
Yesterday have lifeguard training.. haha.. BM item 1 timing is 3.12, I tow hannah.. Last monday I tow Gwen the timing is 3.29.. Den Daryl call mi to use her as my victim every training.. Thanks hannah.. BM only i go for training.. den i complete all the 3 items.. wa.. very tired lor.. haha.. I forget how to row over a unconcious victim long time never do liao.. haha.. Den i oso forget how to put at recover position.. haha.. den Daryl call mi to do 50 push up for this.. And 50 more push up for I keep laughing.. hehe.. I will try to be serious next training.. haha.. And Gwen brought mi pasta.. wa.. is nice lor.. I finish my home dinner den I ate her pasta.. I love the cheese.. and she put pizza sauce i think.. very nice.. haha.. Thankx.. If I have time I will bake for u cookies de.. haha.. I wanna to try & make it myself.. But no equipment..
Pre-enrollment for driving..
I oso pre-enrollment for driving during working time.. haha.. Den I went home after training den i tell papa & mama.. They never say anything.. den I say I take theory first if can den i go & take Practice.. haha.. den papa say practice very expensive de.. ok.. he say his friend first time have license.. Hope i oso can.. haha.. I going on Thursday evening to BBDC take photo, take eyesight.. After my work den i go lor.. haha.. yeah.. During training time I ask Wenhun whether izzit easy to learn driving.. den he say easy la.. haha.. den i ask hannah.. den she say can die.. haha.. haha.. hope for mi is easy.. I wan ppl to accompany mi to BBDc on thursday evening.. Ooor else i go there sure blur blur de.. haha.. lol.. yeah lor..

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Starry Night @ 9:04 AM

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Monday, September 22, 2008 9:00 AM

First month working.. haha.. yeah..
It start from 22 Aug.. And today is 22 Sept.. yeah yeah.. haha.. hmm.. Learn alot of new thing here.. yeah.. And now i can try to solder some of the small component.. yeah..
Dun get burnt.. Get tann..
I'm burnt.. haha.. my shoulder only..very hot.. yeah.. I never put anything.. But that day I put sunscreen on my face.. so my face never get burnt.. I think next time i have to put sunscreen on my shoulder, neck, face and ear.. Ear oso very easy to get burnt wan.. Dun forget.. haha.. Yesterday, Jianhui & mi was talking about sun tanning.. haha.. He never get burnt lor.. lol.. He put SPF 4 on his body and shoulders.. But i never put anything.. so that y i get burnt.. haha.. some of my friends never get burnt lor.. so good.. I think my skin type is Light Usually burns first.. from the banana boat - sun safety- SPF guide.. yeah..
Learn driving here I come.. haha.. yeah..
Hmm.. Alot of ppl encourage mi to go & learn driving.. Ya.. Is most of the ppl.. haha..
I think I going to register for it liao.. But not weekdays.. I think I will go in this weekends ba.. haha.. I think i should go for it.. But I scare I half way dun wan to continue.. haha.. I think i'm learning manual ba.. Coz manual can oso drive auto car.. yeah.. haha.. Can't wait to register.. haha..
2 more weeks for kusu island here I come.. haha.. yeah
I wan to buy alot of things lor.. haha.. Buy things for the kusu island.. haha.. I dun wan to get burnt during kusu.. haha.. I wan to get tann not burn.. haha..
I wan to buy Banana Boat Protective Tanning Oil SPF 15 for kusu..
Ooor buy sunscreen for kusu.. haha..
I wan to buy FBT short for kusu..
I wan to buy sunglass for kusu..
I wan to meet all my NP lifeguards buddy there.. Old & new member of the club..
And remember to bring Moisturizer.. Dun get burnt.. get tann.. not burnt.. haha..
hmm.. I think that all ba.. haha..

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Starry Night @ 9:00 AM

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Saturday, September 20, 2008 6:58 PM

yeah.. Just come back from sentosa.. Go with lifeguard buddy.. haha.. not alot lah.. only have 8 ppl including mi.. Dexter, Jianhui, Shijie, Shiyun, rongyue, Godwin, jonathan & mi.. very less ppl lor.. haha.. I reach Habourfront MRT den I saw no1 is there.. haha.. But I saw NP ppl there.. Coz I saw my friend there.. Den i tell him I'm alone den he ask mi wan to join them or not.. I say see first.. haha..
Around 12pm.. den we saw each other.. den we went to subway & eat.. Wa....... SO expensive.. OMG.. haha.. after we finish eating.. den we went to take the Sentosa Expres before that we saw jianhui den we go in together.. haha.. den my 3 dollars of the ticket is alllll cents.. haha.. yeah.. haha.. den we went in den go to the Beach station den we walk to Tanjong Beach.. walk there lor.. so fast away.. when we reach Tanjong Beach den some of them wan to play Volleyball Courts.. den some dun wan.. haha..
den we find a place that wan put bags there.. And is at a KM8.. den they order a jug of drink.. I oso dun noe wat is that.. haha.. den we went to play volleyball wa.. the sands so hot.. oso can not stand lor.. have to move about de.. haha.. after playing volleyball for a long time.. we went to take a rest.. ya.. den we play other things.. after that we went to shower.. yeah.. den Shiyun & mi sit Jonathan car to Vivocity.. other guys take the Sentosa expres.. When we reach Vivo car park den i ask jonathan whether car is easy to learn or not.. den he say not very easy.. haha.. den I dunnoe whether I should go for it or not.. but I wan to try.. yeah..
I think i never get sun burn.. I have apply sun screen.. I scare of geting burn lor.. But i wan to have a tann skin.. not burning skin.. I wan tann tann..

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Starry Night @ 6:58 PM

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Friday, September 19, 2008 1:55 PM

haha.. My whole morning very busy.. haha.. And listening to yesterday song.. 一百萬.. very nice lor.. haha.. Hmm.. If i have 一百萬 wat I wan to do?? i dun noe.. haha.. 一百萬 have 6 ZERO.. haha.. Wa wa.. I dun noe whether I can save till 一百萬 or not lor.. haha.. sure can not de lor..

Feeling very tired.. haha.. Dun wan to wake up in the morning.. Morning raining so the sky very dark den I thought haven morning.. haha.. but my alarm ring.. den have to wake up.. haha.. yeah.. Is friday.. haha.. Tml can sleep long hours liao.. hehe.. Hope monday I can go swimming..

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Starry Night @ 1:55 PM

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Thursday, September 18, 2008 8:48 PM

I love this song 一百萬 by 红毛派

Hope u all love it too..
2 thumbs up!! Very NICE SONG
Do any1 have this song.. can sent mi..


Starry Night @ 8:48 PM

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9:14 AM

Yesterday have lifeguard training.. I never do BM item 1 coz when I reach there dexter already started the BM item.. haha.. den when I come out from the toilet den I ask daryl whether I need to do item or not.. den he say dun need.. haha.. yeah..

Den we start to swim 10laps of hand pull, after the 10 laps of swimming.. daryl friend come.. Den he is going to take the Instructor test. So he is taking us for our BM lesson.. New Instructor name is Chris.. He is a nice guy.. haha.. We did CPR with annie.. We try to think back and revise the EAR again.. DoctoRABC:

D - Check for Danger Area
No danger

R - Check for Response
Madam Madam are u alright??
No response
Shout: Help help someone pls call 995 for the Ambulance there is an unconcious victim over here..

A - Check for airway
Head Tilt, Chin Lift
Check for foreign object
No foreign objecy
Airway clear

B - Check for breathing
Check for breathing for 10 sec
No breathing, 2 slow ventilation
Look, Listen, Feel

C - Circulation
Check for pulse for 10 sec
No breathing & No pulse

Commence CPR
Locate Landmark, Position Hand correctly
Start Compression ------------- 4 to 5 cm depth
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & (5)
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & (10)
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & (15)
...................... (30)
2 Ventilations
Continue till 5 cycle
Check for breathing & pulse for 10 sec
If pulse & breathing are present put in Recovery Position

But I can't press down the chest of the annie.. Very hard.. And I dun have strength.. yeah.. After the CPR, we get back to the water.. haha.. yeah.. den I think he wan to see how is our swimming ba.. So 2 laps of sidestroke, backstroke, free style and breaststroke.. haha.. den dexter get corrected from him.. hehe.. After that when for shower.. den sit daryl van to the gate, Instructor oso sit his van to the gate.. haha.. den we go home..

Hope I can go for the test with them.. yeah.. really hope that.. I have to hit below 3.15.. haha.. But I still can't.. only 1 time i tow hannah the timing is 3.08.. But every time my aver is 3.29.. yeah.. Have to swim harder for mi to go test with them.. hehe.. Train more, train more, train more.. I think i have been 1 month plus never swim liao.. haha..

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Starry Night @ 9:14 AM

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:04 AM

Today is Wednesday is training day.. haha.. Every monday & wednesday is TRAINING.. I will try my very best to hit my monday timing 3.29.. I can do it de.. Must trust myself.. haha.. can de.. can de.. I can do it de.. haha.. Control ur breathing..

I can't wait for kusu island overnite to come.. have BBQ.. and can take alot of photo.. and and can tann.. haha.. But I scare of sun leh.. I think this time round I need sunblock lotion..Coz I dun wan to get burn.. Every time go there get burn.. haha.. I wan to block my face.. But not my hands & legs.. Hands & legs tann more good.. haha.. but not my face.. haha.. And I need a sunglass.. yeah.. haha..

Kusu Island is one of the Southern Islands in Singapore.. U have to sit ferry to the island is about 15 mins to kusu.. Take a ferry from Marina South Pier.. Each year during the ninth lunar month(which falls between Sept and Nov according to the Lunar Calendar), thousand of devotees flock to the island for their annual kusu pilgrimage to pay homage for good health, peace, happiness, good luck and prosperity. Located on Kusu island is the popular chinese temple - Da Bo Gong or Tua Pek Kong (The Merchant God or God of Prosperity). yeah.. It starts on Oct first week..

yeah.. This is so y I every year go kusu island.. To be a voluntary lifeguard at kusu island.. yeah.. Help the elderly up & down the ferry.. Is a very nice & good job to do.. I will go voluntary every year.. If I have time to go.. haha..

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Starry Night @ 9:04 AM

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008 9:02 AM

Good Morning.. Haha.. Feeling better now.. I think i have to go down for training more often..
Last time I can do my BM item 1, after the item still can talk around.. But yesterday I stand in the water like no breath.. yeah.. Long time never swim liao ba.. haix.. Train more, Train more, Train more.. have to hit the timing.. I can do it de.. dun put tooooo much strength.. If u can not do it.. Just do it normally.. u can do it de.. hehe.. Ooor else later no more Irene.. den papa, mama and all ur friends will be very sad de.. hehe.. And if u can not do it dun force urself to do it.. yeah.. from yesterday training this is wat i think.. hehe.. BUT I will not give up on my lifeguard training.. I have to hit the time.. And hit it nice.. haha.. Have to train more to continue ur other BM item.. Coz now they only do 1 item only.. just BM item 1.. Haven continue with item 2 & 3 so u have to train up urself to go for the BM test.. hehe.. Haix.. wat happen to my heart?? I think is become weaker liao.. I think is coz of never train much.. so will become like that ba..

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Starry Night @ 9:02 AM

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Monday, September 15, 2008 11:19 PM

Haiz.. Long time never swim liao.. I think have 1 month plus ba..
When I finish my BM item 1, I felt that my heart beat is very fast.. And abit pain at the heart..
Den i call Esther to lent mi her hand.. haha.. den I let her feel my heart beat.. Is super fast lor..
My BM item 1 timing is 3:29.. I dun think I did well in it.. Coz when I swim that I no breath liao..
den I swim back that time I still stopping.. yeah.. Just now went swimming, i swam for 50m my heart to pump very fast.. I think coz I very long never swim liao.. haha.. Dun feel very good now.. yeah..

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Starry Night @ 11:19 PM

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9:33 AM

Wa.. Feeling like sleeping.. Coz in the morning raining.. haha.. I didn't go out in the weekend.. Everyday stay at home.. haha.. But on saturday nite I went down to see ppl play lantern. haha.. And the small fireworks.. I dun noe wat is that call.. hehe.. And play with some Dogs.. Dogs are so cute.. hehe.. Really nothing much in the weekend.. I wanted to go and see The Days but the Eng Wah cinemas dun have the show.. So can not watch.. Coz I have a free movie ticket can see any show de.. BUT they dun have the movie, THE DAYS.. My eyes is closing soon.. And no1 in my lab room lor.. haha.. only mi alone.. haha.. All haven come.. Yeah.. Later I'm going for training.. hehe.. So long never go training liao.. as Daryl will be going for training den I go.. Long time never do BM item liao.. And long time never swim liao.. Hope that my timing never drop.. hehe..
When I reach home I will try to upload the photo.. I go down to see ppl play lantern.. oso haev take photo wan.. haha.. I love taking photo.. haha.. Yeah.. haix..

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Starry Night @ 9:33 AM

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Saturday, September 13, 2008 12:12 PM

Enjoy this photo.. Latest de..

Durian Mooncake Box

Durian mooncake..

Mooncake With Mi

Haha.. Durian.. very nice lor..

Hello Kitty Mooncake

Esther & mi

Funny Face.. Esther & mi

Chin Huat Steamboat.. the tree block my photo

Snowskin mooncake & Durian de

Green Tea & Chocolate.. haha..


Starry Night @ 12:12 PM

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Friday, September 12, 2008 3:09 PM

Hey.. I'm back to blog again.. this is a new wan.. haha..
Just now we have lunch with the bosses & my colleagues.. We went to Muthu's Curry & eat.. yeah.. the restaurant is at Race Course Road is at Little India..
We had 2 cab to the place.. Koon Gee, Rick & mi share the cab the.. On the way there.. The Taxi Uncle keep talk.. And he like to say the word : RIGHT.. Every sentences behind have Right, Right, Right.. haha.. Koon Gee & Mi keep laughing behind.. haha.. yeah..
When we reach there other guy have reach for awhile already.. hehe.. yeah..
And we order the most popular dish.. CURRY FISH HEAD.. haha yeah..
Hmm.. I think I didn't eat alot of spicy food.. hehe.. I try some.. IS ok with mi.. haha..
yeah.. And I have try the crispy ladyfinger Wa.. is nice.. haha.. NOT SPICY.. LOL..
hehe.. yeah.. I eat till very full.. And the boss pay the money.. haha.. I think is not cheap..
12 person going out for lunch.. Hmm.. For mi is the first time.. haha.. aaa..
This event is to tell my colleagus that we have done a good job is our Bring up.. yeah so we went to eat.. haha.. Thanks for the lunch.. hehe..

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Starry Night @ 3:09 PM

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9:27 AM

Yeah.. Yesterday dinner with Lifeguard buddy.. We went to Chin Huat Steamboat..IS opposite of VeloCity.. @ Novena.. haha.. Very nice.. have Steamboat, BBQ and 1 more section.. I dun noe call wat.. haha.. They help u to BBQ and they help u to cook.. den oso have a dessert section.. Have marshmallows very colourful de.. and very nice to eat.. haha.. with the chocolate.. They oso have mini cakes and cream puffs..
And have live prawn and crabs.. haha.. The gals are so scare of that.. haha.. Coz when u put inside the soup some will jump up.. haha.. Hannah, Esther & mi sit with Wenhun.. our big kor.. haha.. he is a very good person lor.. haha.. And I help him to remove the prawn skin.. haha.. And I love to eat the crab Kong.. haha.. I dun noe how to spell.. lol.. And I forget to take the Root Beer bottle.. Is in glass lor.. I love it.. haha.. I like bottles in glass.. Just like the old type of coco cola bottles.. haha. I love them.. never mind.. I think I will go and eat next time.. Den I will take the bottle.. hahaa..
***overall feels very wu hua! costs only $18.90 nett!
After the dinner we go home.. haha.. Esther & mi sit the same bus 143..
den in the bus we talk about ourself.. haha. She oso dun wan to eat medicine, when we eat the round type of medicine.. haha. we eat liao we will vomit de.. haha.. Den when eating medicine can not let ppl see wan.. More stress den can not sollow down.. haha.. lol.. Same Same Same.. haha.. yeah..
den I told her that i wan to learn driving.. But den wan ppl to accompany go take.. haha.. den she say maybe she can.. haha.. Coz she stop half way lor.. she pass all ur theory.. but she never go for her practice lesson.. haha.. Den i ask her lor.. I wan to learn but dun have car to learn on.. haha..
She get down at Chinatown den sit 190 home.. den mi sit 143 to reach home.. haha.. We take some photo on the bus stop while waiting for the bus to come.. haha.. Never take much photo.. Only take photo with Esther only.. haha.. I think in Shiyun camera have photo. haha.. Wenhun, esther & mi with marshmallows.. haha.. LOL..
I love NP lifeguard.. haha.. hehe.. Can't wait for 4 Oct to come.. we are going Kusu island.. haha.. Staying 1 nite there.. hehe.. yeah yeah.. Wait for it to come very long liao.. Kusu Island I think will take alot of photo ba.. Every year take alot of photo de lor.. And can see old friends long long time never see wan.. haha.. yeah..
Haix.. I have not take photo from TsingQi & Caili.. I wan the Zheng Ren & Guohao Bday photo.. If u see this.. Pls sent mi thanks.. haha..

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Starry Night @ 9:27 AM

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Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:41 AM

yeah.. can't wait for today DINNER with NP lifeguard.. haha.. yeah yeah.. Steamboat..
Yesterday was my first time OT.. haha.. I have OT for 2 hr 30 mins.. haha.. I do till 8pm.. haha..
Yeah yeah.. hehe.. I wan to eat snow skin moon cake.. hahaa.. I finish the whole box of durian snow skin moon cake.. haha.. I have ate 3 mini durian snow skin moon cake.. There is 9 in the box.. First nite went kor buy back.. Mi & him have share 1 piece.. den kor ate 2, ma ate 2, haha.. Papa ate 1 only.. Coz I say i wan to eat.. haha.. Thankx pa.. Can see they are very 疼 mi.. haha..
But most of the time I never listen to them.. Make them so angry with mi.. hehe.. Sorry.. I will try to control myself.. I WILL TRY.. haha.. I think i can not live without them.. haha.. They are protecting mi.. And they oso give mi advise on wat should I do/ shouldn't do.. haha.. yeah.. But den I noe 1 thing just like the 小孩不笨.. the mother always say " IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD".. haha.. yeah.. Thanks pa & ma.. hehe..
Find this word so long.. Bad in english & chinese.. try to use english to say out this word.. I oso dun noe how to say.. haha.. From the webside : (it) hurts; love fondly; ache; pain; sore.. Tell mi 疼 and the pinyin is téng.. haha..
Wa liao.. U noe wat.. haha.. I just hit my forehead.. Now swollen liao lor.. The 3 pin power socket.. Is hang on the bar on top la.. Coz some of the socket we need to use.. But I knock on the socket is NOT IN USE de lor.. Den hang down there.. Yesterday oso have ppl knock to it.. My head very pain.. haha.. lol.. STUPID lor..
And just now when I having my lunch the noodles aunty never hear wat I say.. She ask mi whether i wan chilli or not in chinese.. den I say 不要.. den i think she hear .. Den my mee pok is hot de.. LOL.. I have say 不要 already lor.. sad.. Den make mi eat the whole mee pok.. My mee put inside the soup to let it remove the chilli den i eat.. But is oso hot.. haha.. eating the mee pok like crying like that.. lol..
Today after work I going to meet them.. haha.. Steamboat with NP lifeguard is a very nice thing.. but den is not a good thing because have to spent money.. hehe.. But not every time den can la.. Ooor else I'm have no money liao.. haha.. I have to go back and work liao.. see ya..

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Starry Night @ 10:41 AM

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008 9:38 AM

haha.. Has been working for 2 weeks plus liao.. haha.. I learn alot of things.. And I have see alot of NEW things.. haha.. Never seen in school de.. haha.. They are all very friendly ppl.. I can learn alot of things from them.. And they ask mi to go lunch with them to eat.. haha.. Ya.. Talk about lunch.. haha.. This canteen really have Singaporean style.. The chop the table by puting tissue paper on the table.. haha.. when u see tissue paper means that have ppl BOOK the table liao.. haha.. LOL.. REALLY singaporean lor.. haha.. For now I blog till here ba..
I think I go home I will upload photo let u all see durian snowskin moon cake.. Kor kor buy wan.. Is nice.. haha..
Tml have dinner with NP lifeguard buddy.. haha.. LOVE NP Lifeguard.. haha..
I really can not wait for KUSU Island days to come.. Is on first week of Oct.. haha.. Yeah yeah.. But I haven buy FBT shorts.. I wan to buy that.. haha.. KUSU Island is to tann myself.. haha..
Dark & Tann.. hehe.. I dun like white white skin.. So 姑娘.. haha.. lol.. tann tann more nice lor.. haha..

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Starry Night @ 9:38 AM

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008 1:21 PM

I'm now in the lab.. hehe.. Hear from them that the pay will be delay lei.. den dun noe how long i will get my pay lor.. I very scare them never give mi my money.. Haiz.. How.. I think i have to tell mama, papa about that liao.. haha.. Coz that day I ask the gal when will I get my pay.. den she say 7th of the month is the pay day.. But yesterday I went to see my CPF nothing inside.. Den i scare they will give mi, my pay very late.. haix.. den dun noe when will they give mi the pay.. haiz.. Y like that?? LOL.. So scarly wat if they dun give mi my pay.. SADED..

Sunday & Monday dinner I eat Lotong all the way.. haha.. With Curry Chicken.. Is not too hot for mi to eat.. haha.. Is very nice lor.. And I love to eat Lotong rice.. haha.. I call mama to make curry every month.. den she say see first.. Coz i wan to eat Lotong.. hehe.. just now my lunch was a malay mee.. But is HOT so i never finish it.. hehe..

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Starry Night @ 1:21 PM

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Sunday, September 07, 2008 7:53 PM

何維健 Derrick Hoh - 你走天橋我走地下道

Starry Night @ 7:53 PM

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1:47 PM

Sunday.. hehe.. Yesterday papa & mi go Chinatown and Singapore river see mooncake fest.. hehe..
And I take alot of photo.. hehe.. lol.. No money to do snow skin mooncake.. haha..
But I have eat alot of the old type of mooncake.. But never eat the snow skin de.. Sad lor.. haha..
Chinatown nothing much lor.. hehe.. But singapore river have alot of things to see lor..

After the walk.. haha.. is going to rain.. den we headed back home.. On the way to Chinatown bus stop is start to rain liao.. Very heavily.. We are all wet..

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Starry Night @ 1:47 PM

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Saturday, September 06, 2008 2:14 PM

I just came back from the carrefour warehouse sale.. I walk down lor.. hehe.. I never take bus there.. Coz is very near my house.. hehe..

Is just opposite my house..
Is inside.. So i can walk there.. hehe..
And there is alot of cars outside the carrefour.. Some of the cars can not come out..
And the Pandan loop inside have pig smell de lor.. so smelly..

The weather is very HOT lor.. haha.. I'm darker now..
Hope I waitting for the Kusu island den i can tann.. hehe.. I bought some cookies and some face mask.. hehe.. LOL..
when i walk back there is a very big lorry at my house there.. Den i let the lorry to go first den i cross over.. back.. it is toooo long so can not drive out.. haha.. I think they have try 2 to 3 time.. try to go out.. lol.. but can not lor.. haha..

Too long can not drive out.. hehe..
This photo take from my room..
I'm trying to find a new & nice blogskin..
but can not find nice de.. hehe..

Starry Night @ 2:14 PM

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9:29 AM

hehe.. Today is Saturday is time to go out/ have a good rest at home.. haha..
Yesterday my company give mi a mooncake.. hehe.. First time, first job, first mooncake from company.. hehe.. LOL.. I never take photo of the whole mooncake.. I only take half of it.. Coz when i wanted to take photo papa eat liao.. haha.. so no choice.. have can take half of the mooncake..

Half of the mooncake..

Haha.. And Sab oso bring mooncake come.. I think she buy that mooncake very expensive lor.. haha.. Yesterday my colleague and I went to Vivo and eat.. hehe.. we eat at kopitiam.. I ate Unagi rice.. So so nice.. U noe how much it cost.. hehe.. Is $6.50.. haha.. If i like to eat I will sure buy for myself de.. haha.. So still can eat.. hehe.. lol.. and I buy the hanuta.. is cost $7.90.. Long long time never eat liao.. So I buy lor.. haha..

This photo I take from the net wan..

My fav lor.. haha.. NICE..

haha.. after working I went to Jurong East Red man.. that is alot of ppl in the shop.. haha..
I didn't buy anything.. Is too X.. 1 wooden mould cost 15.00++.. I think.. haha.. den i dun think i wan to buy the plastic wan.. later knock 3 to 4 time is break liao.. den waste my money to buy .. hehe.. So never buy anything.. hehe.. Den i waste my time and waste my ez-link card money to go Jurong east but never buy anything.. hehe.. I using mama ez-link lor.. My wan no money liao.. hehe.. Maybe today or tml going to buy lor.. haha..

Hmm.. I think later I'm going to carrefour warehouse sale is at Pandan Loop.. haha.. I wan to buy FBT shorts.. haha.. Dun noe whether have or not lor.. Up to 70% off.. maybe going to buy alot of things.. If is cheaper than NTUC.. yeah.. haha..

Flyer.. for warehouse sale..

And in this week Kor buy mi bakerzin cake.. hehe.. Last time he bought the canele for mi.. hehe.. Thanks.. hehe..

Canele : Tirmaisu

I dun noe this wan call wat..
But i can tell u is nice to eat..
LOL.. hehe..

See ya.. bye bye.. I will sure update when I'm free.. hehe.. Enjoy ur weekend..

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Starry Night @ 9:29 AM

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The Ads

The Princess

Irene Lu Lianghui
18 Dec

Wish List

* Go oversea every year
* Get New Sunglass (Oakley) or (Sworke)
* * Get A Telescope
(Orion SpaceProbe 3 Altazimuth Reflector Telescope)

More than words.

Babes & Hunks


Alison (NP: Lifeguard)


Baoerfully (NP: ECH)


Casilda (NP: ECE)
Cheryl Phua (NP: ECE)
Chun Yang (NP: ECE)
Cedric Tan (YLC)


Desmond (NP: ECE)
Derrick Hoh (Superstar)
Dexter Tan (NP: Lifeguard)


Emm (NP: Lifegard)
Eugene Tay (NP: ECE)


Felicia Chan (NP: ECE)


Godwin Tong (NP: Lifegard)


Hui Yin (NP: Lifegard)


Ian Lim (NP: Lifegard)


Jacquelyn (NP: ECE)
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Janice Tan (NP: ECE)
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Junjie (NP: ECE)
Jimmy Gan (YLC)


Kelvin Chow (NP: MDE)
Ken Chua (NP: ECE)
Kenji Lee (NP: ECE)
Kian Wee (NP: ECE)
Kheng Leng (NP: Lifeguard)


lulu love be@rbrick


Mark(NP: Lifegard)
Mei Yi(NP: ECE)
Min Fen(NP: ECE)


NHSS Dance blog
NP Lifeguard blog


Shi Bin (Relative)
Shi Jie (Relative)
Shi Yun (NP: Lifeguard)
Stella Poh (NP: BME)
Stephanie Teo(NP: ECE)
Su Ting (NHSS)
SG BlogHub


Tee Wee (NP: BME)
Terence (NP: ECE)
Tiong Meng (NP: Lifeguard)


Weide (NP: ECE)
Weiting (NP: Lifeguard)
Wen Xin (NHSS)
Wen Xuan (NHSS)


Xian Han (ITE)


Yi Feng (NP: Liefguard)
Yuhui (NHSS)


Zhi Yuan (NP: BME)

Online shopping

Shop For Beauty
Fairy cove


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August 2008
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December 2008
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February 2009
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